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Animal Control

Animal Control Officer
County Clerk Megan Richie

Flora Shropshire Animal Shelter
1751 New Lair Rd
Cynthiana, KY 41031

Phone: (513) 340-2188
Emergency: 911

Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter Manager
County Clerk Jessica Carmon - Co-Manager
Megan Richie - Co-Manager

Flora Shropshire Animal Shelter
1751 New Lair Road
Cynthiana, KY 41031

Phone: (859) 234-7138
Emergency: 911

Office Hours
Monday:  10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday:  Closed
Wednesday-Friday:  10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday:    10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sunday:    10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Animal Adoption
Adoption fees are $85 for dogs and cats. This fee covers the dog's spay/neuter, vet check, and rabies shot. It also covers a dog tag.

Surrender fees: $30 per animal that is surrendered at the shelter. $60 per animal if county transports animal to shelter.

Applicable sales tax included in all fees.

For adoption information call (859) 234-7138 or visit
bullet  Animal Control
bullet  County Clerk
bullet  County Treasurer
bullet  E-911 Center
bullet  Emergency Management
bullet  Occupational/Net P.Tax
bullet  Parks and Recreation
bullet  Road Department
bullet  Sheriff Department
bullet  Solid Waste
bullet  PVA

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