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Real Estate Taxes

County Board of Assessment:

In accordance with KRS 133.125, the clerk or a member of the clerk's staff is required to serve as the clerk of the local board of assessment appeals each year. This board is comprised of three property owners in the county who are knowledgeable about local real estate values.

Property owners who believe their property's assessed value is too high can file an appeal of the assessment after meeting with the property valuation administrator. These appeals are filed in the County Clerk's office any time before and no later than one work day following the close of the real property tax roll inspection period. Taxpayers may file an appeal in person or by sending a letter or other written petition to the office. A facsimile of a written petition can be accepted by the clerk's office. The appeal must state the reason for the appeal, identify the property for which the appeal is being filed and the taxpayer's opinion of the property's value. The clerk prepares a summary of all appeals filed for the property valuation administrator within three working days after the close of the tax roll inspection period. For more information on property assessments contact the local PVA office at (859) 234-7133.

Payment of Real Estate Tax Bills:

In Harrison County the bills are printed by the PVA Office. The sheriff mails out the notices usually by the end of September.
bullet  Animal Control
bullet  County Clerk
bullet  County Treasurer
bullet  E-911 Center
bullet  Emergency Management
bullet  Occupational/Net P.Tax
bullet  Road Department
bullet  Sheriff Department
bullet  Solid Waste
bullet  PVA

General Information
Holiday Schedule
Elected Officials
Absentee Ballot
Office Hours

Specific Instructions
Who May Be In Polling Place
Voter Needs Assistance
Medical Emergencies

Congressional District
As of January 1, 2022 all Of Harrison County is now in the Congressional 4th district.

Magisterial Districts
bullet  District 1
bullet  District 2
bullet  District 3 - City View
bullet  District 3 - County View
bullet  District 4 - City View
bullet  District 4 - County View
bullet  District 5 - City View
bullet  District 5 - County View
bullet  District 6 - City View
bullet  District 6 - County View
bullet  District 7
bullet  District 8

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